Jan 28, 2018
As an entrepreneur, it’s our duty to pull the best out of our team each and every day. We need to be even tempered day in, and day out. We need to motivate individuals, teams, new hires and seasoned vets. Respect cannot be forced upon someone. You can not demand respect. Respect is earned many ways. Employees ARE your...
Jan 21, 2018
People are an interesting creation. Each one of us has free will. We are all born with this innate ability to know right from wrong. It's in our DNA makeup. But the smarter we get, the easier it is to mix the two. The smarter we think we are, the easier it is to convince ourselves of just about anything. Man is the only...
Jan 14, 2018
I believe, that once distilled, there are three types of entrepreneurs. The first type is the one who wants to start a business because they want to work for themselves. They see working for themselves as “freedom”. Even if their business owns them, and their time, the sheer fact of not having to work for the...
Jan 7, 2018
If you are one of the select few who live on this earth with a business mind, understand this… Statistically speaking, 75% of the people you employ on your journey will not make it to the end with you. Few will stick with you as the trail is blazed. Most will leave, or be asked to leave. A saboteur may weasel their...
Jan 1, 2018
People ask me what is jujitsu. I say, jujitsu is what allows a man to be free. Jujitsu is what frees your mind from the noise. Jujitsu is not a religion, although, it is spiritual at times. Jujitsu is about trust Trusting yourself, trusting your partner, trusting the positions. Jiu Jitsu is about letting go. Letting...