Feb 25, 2018
As I got in my truck to pick up a coffee, and some supplies from our local farmers union, I decided to route my path home on back roads. Most of these back roads are still dirt roads, not extremely well maintained. The only music I listen to on the road is the noise in my own mind, I almost always drive in silence...
Feb 18, 2018
Death comes to everything with a heartbeat. Economies are strong in war, farmers and butchers deal death to provide our food supply for 300 million people. Few of us continue the traditions of hunting and gathering, planning and preserving, gardening and growing. We turn a blind eye to how food is grown, killed...
Feb 11, 2018
Words are our greatest tool. Words are free for anyone. As kids we said, “sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me”. The truth is words can be a blessing or a curse. They can build empires or cause wars. Bridges can be burned by words said in haste. And the right words chained together can...
Feb 4, 2018
His family has been in Maine's wood industry for three generations. Out to prove himself, and with his hands and daylight, Brody Cousineau overcame many obstacles, including rewiring his brain as a young child due to his extreme Dyslexia, now his superpower. Striving to prove the family name after dropping out...